Kyra Kendall

Mannheim Ontario

April 2014 — Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24 : $600.00

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I have been working as a professional fashion illustrator for over 5 years. The practice of being paid to execute creative vision for my clients has shaped my art immensely. I see the role of illustrator as a ‘technician’ of the arts. It requires creative problem solving and a skill, but essentially, an illustrator is paid to express someone else’s creative problem. As a result, the theme in my art has become to build a thing, and then to tear it down. I have been doing graffiti artwork on train cars since 2011, and I feel this act of defacing in secret, also helped me to realize the power to ripping something down. And to deface your own work is even more interesting because you are taking yourself down a peg. I feel like in this world no opinion is absolute and no perspective superior. Though slightly schizophrenic in nature, I feel that overall, a work that has been built then destroyed by it’s maker, is magic. I like to paint something, then leave it for a long while, and return to it in a totally different mind frame. I The end result is often a piece with conflicting message, and the joy of that conflict is what I think is most powerful in what I do.

Website by Brick House Productions